Hi there,
Sorry for the delay in posting this, but apparently I originally sent it in
"rich" text...or something.
Some 14 people came out to our Hawk Cliff/Port Stanley OFO outing. We braved
the early morning damp conditions and southerly flow of winds(not
necessarily good for hawks). Not only did the weather become increasingly
tolerable, but also we were rewarded with some 63 species of birds, some at
the Cliff, some in Port Stanley, and some at the Port Stanley Sewage
Lagoons. Of note, besides the lack of hawks, was the sighting of a late
migrant Cape May Warbler, and Tufted Titmouse, both at the Cliff. We had 15
species of waterfowl and 3 shorebirds at the Port Stanley Sewage Lagoons,
including a Least Sandpiper.
A few of the species below I have included numbers.
Since the birds we saw are not particularly uncommon species, I will not
include directions to these locations, but contact me at my email for
specific directions, if needed.

Here are the birds that our group reported....

Common Loon    Pied-billed Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron    Canada Goose    Northern Shoveller
Green-winged Teal    Wood Duck    N. Pintail
Redhead    Greater Scaup       Lesser Scaup
American Wigeon
Gadwall    A. Black Duck    Mallard       Bufflehead
 Ruddy Duck
Sharp-shinned Hawk-2 or 3    Coopers Hawk 1 or 2
Red-tailed Hawk 2 or 3    Bald Eagle- 2 adults, one immature
Virginia Rail (found dead)    American Coot
Dunlin-3   Killdeer-5   Least Sandpiper
Ring-billed Gull    Herring Gull    Great Black-backed Gull
Bonapartes Gull-30+ at lagoons    Mourning Dove
  Rock Pigeon(new name?)
Downy Woodpecker    Red-bellied Woodpecker
Blue Jay    American Crow    Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse    White-breasted Nuthatch    Brown Creeper
Ruby-crowned Kinglet      Golden-crowned Kinglet
Hermit Thrush    American Robin    European Starling
American Pipit(10 +)    Cedar Waxwing (many)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (many)     Cape May Warbler
Eastern Towhee    Fox Sparrow    Field Sparrow
Song Sparrow    White-crowned Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco    Snow Bunting (11 at harbour)
Common Grackle    Red-winged Blackbird
Purple Finch    House Finch    American Goldfinch

Some parties reported a few other species in transit, on the way to or from
the outing...including American Kestrel, 2 Eastern Meadowlarks, and
Ring-necked Duck.(not in group total)

Thanks to all who participated, and special thanks to Ian Platt, my
co-leader in the outing.
Pete Read

"Peter Read" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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