Banders & Birders,

Having three permitted banders this year, instead of one, continued to pay
dividends this weekend, as three days were covered.  It was a very good
banding weekend, with the captures clearly dominated by kinglets, but with
some interesting surprises and highlights.  A total of 185 new birds of 16
species was banded over the three days, plus 16 recaptures.

On Saturday, we were graced by the presence of the Federation of Ontario
Naturalists, who were having a meeting and workshop at our site.  The light
intermittent rain of the morning gave way to non-rainy conditions, but still
cloudy.  It was enough to increase our capture rate dramatically, though it
was mostly kinglets. We were happy to provide discussions and demonstrations
to the FON group of various passerines, though a prearranged tour of the
banding facility was curtailed as it began raining kinglets just before
their arrival!  The 4 Orange-crowned Warblers captured today not only
exceeded any previous day, but exceeded the previous record season!  Our
2003 season total now stands at a record of seven.  The second Blue-headed
Vireo of the season was a nice demonstration bird, and somewhat late. An
American Woodcock was flushed from the area, but eluded capture.

On Sunday, capture rates were much lower, as the intermittent light rain
plagued us off and on all day.  Of the 15 recaptures today, 11 were from
yesterday, 3 were from earlier this season (August - October), and one was
an adult male Northern Cardinal that was banded in November 2001 as a
hatch-year male.  The Gray Catbird banded today was quite late.  Two
Carolina Wrens were recaptured in the same net less than a foot from each
other.  Both were banded this year, one in August and one in October, as
hatch-year birds.  An interesting side-by-side comparison possibly showing
that one is male and the other female will be posted on the photo highlights
page in the next day or two.

On Monday, it was clear that a new batch of birds had come in, as only a
single bird was recaptured from the weekend.  Again, as with Saturday, it
was raining kinglets, and a new one-day record was set for Golden-crowned
with 51 (previous record was 48 on 8-Oct-2001).  Although one was present in
the banding area last week, our first Fox Sparrow of the season was banded
today, along with the first American Tree Sparrow and White-crowned Sparrow
of the season.  This latter bird was also only the third ever banded at the
station (we don't know why we don't catch more, as they can be fairly common
elsewhere in the park).  Only a single Whte-throated Sparrow was caught
today, keeping our numbers very low so far for the season.  Our setup is 50
meters square, and sits about 50 meters from Lake Erie.  The good numbers of
White-throated Sparrows noted so far this fall seem to prefer the area
between our nets and the lake!  Potter traps set in the area have thus far
not been effective.  Another Blue-headed Vireo today was the latest we've
ever had.  Again, an American Woodcock was flushed from the area, but was
not captured.

Photo highlights of this weekend are posted on the HBMO website
(  Once again, Jason Sodergren has improved the way these
photo pages function, and now the newest photos are on the first pages, and
there are headers separating each day's highlights.

Banding Results:

Saturday, October 25, 2003
7.50 hours from 07:00 - 14:30; 90.00 Net Hours.  Intermittent light rain in
morning delayed opening, and caused intermittent net closures. Temperature
was 10-13 Celsius. Sky was overcast with intermittent light rain in morning.
Wind was SW-W at 2-5 km/hr.
75 birds of 7 species.

Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1 (contining our record season, bringing total to 11)
Blue Jay - 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 27
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 35 (one short of record)
Hermit Thrush - 6
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 (late)
Orange-crowned Warbler - 4 (record day, exceeding previous record season!)

Banders: Allen Chartier, Bob Hall-Brooks, Carl Pascoe
Assistants: Rachel Powless

Sunday, October 26, 2003
8.25 hours from 06:45 - 15:30 E.S.T.; 102.00 Net Hours. Intermittent light
rain all day delayed opening, and caused intermittent net closures in
morning. Temperature was 9-13 Celsius. Sky was overcast with intermittent
light rain all day. Wind was WNW-SW at 2-5 km/hr.
27 birds of 6 species, plus 15 recaptures.

(Carolina Wren - 2 recaptures)
Brown Creeper - 1 (only second of season)
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 9
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 7 (plus 4 recaptures)
Hermit Thrush - 6 (plus 4 recaptures)
Gray Catbird - 1 (very late)
(Orange-crowned Warbler - 1 recapture)
(Northern Cardinal - 2 recaptures, one banded as a Local in August, one
banded as hatch-year male in November 2001)
White-throated Sparrow - 3

Banders: Allen Chartier, Carl Pascoe
Assistants: Rachel Powless, Bob Hall-Brooks

Monday, October 27, 2003
8.00 hours from 06:30 - 14:30 E.S.T.; 96.00 Net Hours. Temperature was 6-12
Celsius. Sky overcast. Wind was W at 2-7 km/hr.
83 birds of 12 species, plus 1 recapture.

Brown Creeper - 1
Winter Wren - 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 51 (record)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 15 (plus 1 recapture)
Hermit Thrush - 4
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 (record late)
Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler - 5
American Tree Sparrow - 1 (first of season)
Fox Sparrow - 1 (first of season)
White-throated Sparrow - 1
White-crowned Sparrow - 1 (first of season, and third ever for station)
Dark-eyed Junco - 1

Banders: Carl Pascoe
Assistants: Rachel Powless

Holiday Beach Migration Observatory (HBMO) is an organization devoted to
monitoring migration at the Holiday Beach Conservation Area, Essex Co.,
Ontario, administered by the Essex Region Conservation Authority. In
addition to a hawk-watch/passerine count that has been in operation since
1974, HBMO operates three banding stations, two for raptors (since 1987) and
one for passerines and hummingbirds (since 1997). The Holiday Beach
Conservation Area was designated an Important Bird Area by Conservation
International in 2000.

Lat: 42-01'54.1" Long: 083-02'41.6"


Allen Chartier
1442 West River Park Drive
Inkster, MI  48141
Michigan HummerNet:

"Allen Chartier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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