At our Pede Road hawk watch site just east of Port Bruce we counted 1182 raptors of 9 species including 13 Golden Eagles and 5 Bald Eagles, not to mention 997 Red-tailed Hawks. The hawks were flying when we arrived at 10:30 a.m. and still flying when we departed at 2:30 p.m. As well, many hawks were flying too far inland to be identified. It was likely a 2000+ hawk day for someone who wanted to stand out in the wind chill of -7 C all day. Flocks of 1000s of crows passed by at intervals throughout the day.

On their way to Pede Road, Ross Snider and Terry Ricker checked out the beach at Port Burwell and found several Dunlin and a Black-bellied Plover. A FRANKLIN'S GULL flew in off the lake but turned around at the shoreline and flew back out.

NO Cave Swallows have showed up at Port Burwell or Port Bruce yet.

Port Burwell and Port Bruce are on Lake Erie at the east end of Elgin County.

Dave Martin, Linda Wladaraski, Ross Snider, Terry Ricker
Harrietsville, ON


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