Please Excuse my spelling ,I am Dyslexic
thank you for your understanding.

To day the T.R.C.A (Toronto regional conservation authority) held its
winter water fowl day out on the Spit (Tommy Thompson Park). All though we
worked out the wind speed to a bout 30 k and the wind chill at times was
numbing a good number of birds wear seen by the 120+ hearty birders that had
signed up.

John Carley and I wear ask to come along to help with the IDing this year
and with John’s ever searching eye’s ( I was tucking to much ) we came up
with 16 speeches of Ducks , swans and geese the best being a Black Scoter .
Also a Red necked Grebe was seen in close allowing every one good look's.

Later I had 11 Snow Bunting’s fly over head witch is always great to watch.


Tommy Thompson Park is found at the foot of Leslie st south of the Lake
shore Blvd here in Toronto

Craig & Bev McLauchlan

"Craig S A McLauchlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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