* Ontario
* Ottawa/Gatineau
* 23 November 2003
* ONOT0311.23

- Birds mentioned

Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Trumpeter Swan
Greater White-fronted Goose
Long-tailed Duck
Black Scoter
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Red-tailed Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Golden Eagle
Peregrine Falcon
American Coot
Greater Yellowlegs
Bonaparte's Gull
Great Horned Owl
Short-eared Owl
Common Redpoll
Pine Siskin
Evening Grosbeak

- Transcript

hotline: Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
date: 23 November 2003
number: 613-860-9000 press 2
to report: 613-860-9000 press #
coverage: Ottawa/Gatineau (Can. Nat. Capital Reg.), E.Ont., W.Que.
compilers  : Chris Lewis
           : Terry Higgins
           : Colin Bowen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
transcriber: Michelle Martin  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
internet   : Gordon Pringle  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This is Chris Lewis reporting.

Reports from the past week included several highlights.

Two Greater White-fronted Geese were seen on the Ottawa River at
Lakeside Gardens on November 17.  A single bird was seen again on
the 23rd at Andrew Haydon Park.  A male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE was
seen on November 21 from both Lemieux Island and Remic Rapids.
Two Horned Grebes were at Remic on the 17th and 4 Red-necked
Grebes were at Shirley's Bay on the 21st along the several Long-
tailed Ducks, all three species of mergansers and 10 American
Coot, seen from Chartrand Island at the end of the dyke.  All
three species of scoters are still present at Andrew Haydon Park.

Red-tailed and Rough-legged Hawks continue to be numerous in
agricultural areas.  An immature Golden Eagle flew over Bankfield
Rd, heading south on the 21st.   Two Peregrine Falcons were seen
on the north side of the R H Coates Building at Tunney's Pasture
on the 19th.  Very late were 2 Greater Yellowlegs and 34
Bonaparte's Gulls at the Winchester sewage lagoons on the 23rd.

Two Great Horned Owls are still in the pines in the southwest
corner at the Britannia Conservation Area as of the 22nd and 4
Short-eared Owls were flying over the N-curve along Earl Armstrong
Rd in the late afternoon of the 22nd as well.

A male RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER has been seen regularly on McCordick
Rd south of North Gower since at least November 18.  It was most
recently seen on the 23rd.  This bird can be seen from the road at
6848 McCordick Rd, visiting the feeders at this address and the
two adjacent properties, as well as in the trees along the road.
Please do not enter the properties; the bird can be seen from the
road.  Please park along the road and be respectful of the

Common Redpolls and Pine Siskins have been noted in various
locations in and around the Ottawa area over the past week and 9
Evening Grosbeaks visited a feeder in Orleans on the 20th,
providing increasing evidence for a good finch winter in Ottawa.

Finally, in news from farther a field, an immature male RUFOUS
HUMMINGBIRD has been visiting a feeder at 24 King Pitt Rd in
Kingston for several days and was still present today.  Also, a
pair of adult Trumpeter Swans was the Portland Bay Conservation
Area today, north of the marina in Portland, along highway 15,
south of Smiths Falls.

Thank-you.  Good birding.

- End transcript

Gordon Pringle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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