No masive hawk migration-- 2 rather late TURKEY VULTURES, 2 Red-tailed, 1
rough-legged, 1 Am.Kestrel

Several times we observed Common Redpolls (as many as 8) flying with several
PINE SISKINS, lamdong briefly in the tall nearby trees. On the ground behind
us--1 White-crowned Sp., 1 Swamp Sp., several Tree Sp., several Song Sp.,
many Juncos, several White-breasted Nuthatches. We had a short look at a
RUSTY BLACKBIRD behind us as well.

Out at the newly-established FEEDER-STATION at the roadside there are 5 or
more Red-breasted Nuthatches.

Cranberry Marsh is near the base of Hall's Rd., 1 block east of  Lakeridge
Rd. in southwest Whitby.

Doug Lockrey, coordinator CMRW

"Doug Lockrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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