Hello Ontbirders

There is a first winter male Black-headed Grosbeak coming to a feeder in the
Pakenham area (south of Arnprior, west of Ottawa).
The bird has been visiting for approximately a week, and was last observed
this afternoon around 3:30pm

The home is in a rural setting surrounded by a relatively thick cedar
woodlot. The owners, Bob and Iris Jurmain, will tolerate birders. However,
they are very concerned about several aspects of busy birder traffic.

*    The road, and their laneway are narrow, and can easily be congested
with vehicles.
*    They have two very loud, large German Shepherds that might bark
continuously, or behave erratically when strangers are about.
*    Iris is blind and concerned about having a crowd of strangers around.

Bob, the owner, requests that he must be present if anyone is to visit. He
advises that potential visitors call first to get directions, and set a time
to visit.
He can be reached at (613) 256-0160

Note to Ottawa birders:
Although I'm not totally certain, I suspect this bird is outside the Ottawa
50K district by a tiny margin.

Good Luck & Good Birding
Tony Beck


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