We arrived at 10:50AM 11/29/03.  The neighbor's patio was the observation
site with a small but growing and ever louder group. The adult Band-tailed
Pigeon was in a tree in the same yard as the feeders where it was first seen
and provided an excellent look at at about 40 ft.   The bird seemed
undisturbed but about 11:20 flew to further tree.  It continued to move to
further and to more hidden spots until it was finally out of sight about
11:45.  The bird faced the group most of the time and it was very easy to
see the yellow dark-tipped bill and yellow legs and the purple head.  The
neck and breast were a lighter purple with a white underbody.  The under
tail was plainly seen with a broad dark wide band and plenty of white at the
end of the tail.  When the bird occassionally turned its head a narrow white
neck band on the back half of the neck was seen.  Bill Watson Sr. drove.
The directions on Ontario Birds' website are are excellent.

"lazarcg1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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