I will presume that there will be no more observations this fall, so here
is the complete list of reported sightings.

Information is still needed on who discovered the birds at Long Point. 
Any new information on this or additional observations, etc., please
e-mail me privately.

Known sightings total 21 birds, assuming that there were no repeat
observations.  This compares to nine (9) birds reported in Ontario last
fall (2002), and the 110-120 birds reported during the fall of 1999.


November 1:
(1) at Niagara Falls, NIAGARA (Troy Shively)

November 4:
(3) at Tobermory, BRUCE (Ethan J. Meleg)

November 6-7:
(1) at Cranberry Marsh, DURHAM (Karl Jennewein, Dan Kaczynski et al.)

November 7:
(3) at Tip of Point Pelee, ESSEX (Kevin A. McLaughlin, Robert L.
(2) at Tip of Long Point, NORFOLK (discoverer?)

November 8:
(2) at Erieau, CATHAM-KENT (Steve Charbonneau et al.)
(1) at Erieau, CHATHAM-KENT (Blake A. Mann)
-- different bird from above
(2) at Onion Fields north of PPNP, ESSEX (Alan Wormington et al.)
(1) at Sturgeon Creek, ESSEX (Stephen T. Pike, Adam Pinch et al.)

November 8-10:
(1) at Point Petre, PRINCE EDWARD (Wynne Thomas)
-- found dead (still warm) on the 10th

November 9:
(1) at lakeshore S of Hillman Marsh, ESSEX (Marianne B. Reid)
(1) at Tip of Point Pelee, ESSEX (Randy P. Horvath, Robert A. Horvath et

November 10:
(1) at Cedar Springs, CHATHAM-KENT (Keith J. Burk)


A clear, second wave of birds entered the Great Lakes (on or about
November 23) as a result of a new period of warm air and southwest winds
associated with a strong front (on the 23rd it reached 65 F at Detroit). 
On November 23 an "orange-rumped" swallow (likely a Cave Swallow) was
seen briefly near Cleveland, Ohio.  The following day, November 24, five
(5) Cave Swallows were seen at Hamlin Beach State Park, New York (west of
Rochester).  There were also new observations in the Northeast -- two on
November 26 in Connecticut, and four on November 26 in New Hampshire (a
new state record).

In Ontario during this second wave, only the following was reported:

November 26:
(1) at Cranberry Marsh, DURHAM (Dan Kaczynski, Doug Lockrey et al.)
-- caught by a Sharp-shinned Hawk

Alan Wormington,

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