It was a pretty good weekend for gulls on the Niagara.  Large gulls have
finally started to really build in numbers.  At least ten LESSER
BLACK-BACKED GULLS were seen today after a dearth for most of November
(power plants and above the falls).  An adult GLAUCOUS GULL  was seen at the
power plants Sat. and a first year bird was seen above the falls today.
Several Iceland Gulls were seen both days at the power plants and a couple
were seen above the falls today.  A couple Thayer's-type at the power
plants.  One LITTLE GULL above the falls today, one below, and three at the
Whirlpool including one first-winter (Spanish Aero Car).  I heard no reports
from the Lewiston/Queenston area which is usually the most reliable spot for
Little Gull.  Two Bonaparte's Gulls still with complete hoods were
reported - one at the Whirlpool and one below the falls.

Best birds today were an adult BLACK-HEADED GULL, found by Kevin McLaughlin,
at the Whirlpool; adult CALIFORNIA GULL at the power plants perched just to
the left of the Moses power dam (seen most of yesterday and in the afternoon
today); and an adult NELSON'S GULL (a Herring X Glaucous Gull hybrid) at the
power plants.  The latter bird is larger than the Herring Gulls, very pale
on the back and wings, very lightly spotted on the nape, and has a
Thayer's-like wingtip pattern.  A PURPLE SANDPIPER was found by Jean Iron a
short ways above the barge, not as far from shore (Ontario side) as they are
usually found - the first of the season in the falls area.  Mike Morgante
had two PURPLE SANDPIPERS above the Peace Bridge, seen from LaSalle Park on
the NY side.  The injured BRANT continues in the shallows along shore
between the Ontario Hydro building and the Gate House above the falls.
There were a few RED-THROATED LOONS close to shore near the mouth of the
river at Lake Ontario; a Red-necked Grebe was also seen there.

Other birds were Merlins at the Ontario Hydro building and at the golf
course across from the Ontario Hydro gorge access road (which we are NOT
allowed to drive down); two Peregrines at the falls and another at the power
plants.  A Turkey Vulture was seen at the power plants.

On Saturday at dusk, Bruce DiLabio conducted a count of Bonaparte's Gulls at
the flypast in Niagara-on-the Lake, totalling over 12,000.  Three adult
Little Gulls were seen with them.

Good birding!
Willie D'Anna
Betsy Potter
Niagara Falls, N.Y.

"Willie D'Anna & Betsy Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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