Hi there,
 I didn't even get out to the feeders to check them before the bird showed
up, just after 8 am. I think it is getting more accustomed to visiting these
feeders, especially the new one I set up with mixed seed, although it
continues to eat sunflower seeds whole as well as other bits and pieces. It
is still very wary of people.
Unfortunately it flew away to the southwest at about 9:15 and didn't return
until 12:05 pm. However, once back it remained until 3:50 when it had fed
one more time, and then flew the short distance to the large spruce at the
end of the road, and will likely roost there for the night. It was not
sitting so much in the open today, owing to the wind and snow. Look for it
mainly in the deciduous trees above the platform feeder. It could be in the
back trees, usually on a horizontal branch. It sometimes is much lower or
even on the ground. Have patience and look carefully.
I guess the best time to arrive now is first thing in the am, probably near
8 to see first feeding, but the bird sure hasn't arrived at a firm schedule.
And the only way to catch it entering  the roosting area, is to be on the
road in front of the trees sometime between 3 and 5.
Gerry and the neighbours who are hosting the event, are still pleased with
the birders. Sammy has almost sold all his Boy Scout chocolates. He and
Sarah told mom the last three bars were broken and so they probably couldn't
be sold so could they just eat them. Several birders present said they would
help eat the damaged goods. All is well in the neighbourhood.
I filled the feeders before I left today, and will be there tomorrow,
probably until 11 at least. And then I will check to make sure of the bird
at the roost between 3 and 5pm.
Ann said there are over 170 names in the register that we will be giving to
Gerry, and likely a copy to the Bilous family.


Directions to access the area...

If from Toronto...come west on 401, and take the 402 towards Sarnia, exiting
very soon at the Wonderland exit (100) to London, and head north. About
3-4km north on Wonderland is the Westmount Mall, a large sprawling mall on
the west side of the road. Keep going north just past the mall to a
streetlight indicating Village Green Avenue (one light before Commissioners
Road). Turn left, to the west and proceed for about 5 streets, some from
left, some from right, till you get to Lynngate PLACE (Pl). There is also a
Lynngate Ct but don't go up there. Do not park on this quiet street. Park on
the north(right) side of Village Green. Walk up Lynngate Place to number
120. Go to the RIGHT side of the house, and walk up
the driveway of the nextdoor neighbour's house, #116, along the stone path
to the large patio, at the back of that house. Try to shield yourself behind
the tarp "blind" and the bird will be less skittish.  PLEASE STAY OFF LAWNS.

Coming from west, come east on 401 to Highway 4, and head north to the 402,
then east to Wonderland exit (100), turning north . About 3-4km north on
Wonderland is the Westmount Mall, a large sprawling mall. Keep going north
just past the mall to a streetlight indicating Village Green Avenue(one
light before Commissioners road). Turn left, to the west and proceed for
about 5 streets, some from left, some from right, till you get to Lynngate
PLACE (Pl). There is also a Lynngate Ct but don't go up there. Do not park
on this quiet street. Park on the north(right) side of Village Green. Walk
up Lynngate Place to number 120. Go to the RIGHT side of the house, and walk
up the driveway of the nextdoor neighbour's house, #116, along the stone
path to the large patio, at the back of that house. Try to shield yourself
behind the tarp "blind" and the bird will be less skittish.  PLEASE STAY OFF

>From London, Village Green is one light south of intersection of
Commissioners and Wonderland. Turn left, to the west and proceed for about 5
streets, some from left, some from right, till you get to Lynngate PLACE
(Pl). There is also a Lynngate Ct but don't go up there. Do not park on this
quiet street. Park on the north(right) side of Village Green. Walk up
Lynngate Place to number 120. Go to the RIGHT side of the house, and walk up
the driveway of the nextdoor neighbour's house, along the stone path to the
large patio, at the back of that house. Try to shield yourself behind the
tarp "blind" and the bird will be less skittish.  PLEASE STAY OFF LAWNS.

"Peter Read" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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