Hi All

I know that there haven't been any recent updates for the park and you
might wonder what has (or has not) been sighted in the last little while.
No one has reported the Townsend's Solitaire in the DeLaurier area in the
last week, However, the Eastern Bluebirds that it had been seen associating
with are still in the area.

The Visitor Centre bird feeding station is up and running.  We have a good
number of Am. Goldfinches in regularly, along with juncos, Am. Tree
Sparrows and Chipping Sparrows.  There are a few White-throated Sparrows
around as well.  Some of the blackbirds have been visiting the feeder as
well, including Common Grackles and Rusty Blackbirds.  I did have a
Brewer's Blackbird late last week, but I have not seen it since.  There is
also a Northern Mockingbird hanging around the Visitor Centre area, as well
as several Yellow-rumped Warblers.  A late Nashville Warbler was sighted in
the Sparrow Field area on the weekend, but was not relocated Monday in the
blustery and much colder conditions.  There continues to be an excellent
berry crop in the park - the red cedars are loaded this year, encouraging
large flocks of Cedar Waxwings - sometimes there is a flock of 200+ hanging
around the Visitor Centre parking lot.  We are keeping a close eye out for
Bohemian Waxwings and Evening Grosbeaks and will post immediately if any
turn up.  There are still Red-bellied Woodpeckers around the park,
particularly around the Visitor Centre and the DeLaurier trail.  A Northern
Flicker was sighted Monday on the main park road near the entrance to West

A very large raft of Scaup was spotted earlier this afternoon by Park
Patrol Officer Kelly Thompson.  I was down to check it out and the flock
easily numbers between 200 - 300 hundred thousand, likely spanning a good 6
km along the western side of the park.  There were some mergansers mixed in
with the flock - and there could be other goodies, but a scope is
definitely needed (which I didn't have with me).  A lone Double-crested
Cormorant is hanging out with a Great Blue Heron at Sanctuary Pond in the
north end of the park.

The park Christmas Count will be held on December 15th - please contact me
if you are interested in attending.

Good birding


Sarah Rupert
Sr. Park Interpreter/Education Coordinator
Point Pelee National Park of Canada
Leamington, Ontario


Visit http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm for information on leaving
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