This mornings trip to Long Point yielded 150-175 Sandhill Cranes at the Big
Creek NWA.  These birds were very active and loud.  Small groups of 3-12
were coming and going for the full hour we were there.  I counted 150 before
I lost count with all the movement.  They were putting on a spectacular show
with flights around the marsh and surrounding areas.  Wonderful to watch.

Also present was a Northern Harrier hunting the marsh in front of the
Sandhills and an obliging American Kestrel amused us for a few minutes as it
perched and hovered over the paths and lawns in the surrounding area.

Before we left, we were visited by a rather large, mature Bald Eagle who
perched in one of the trees behind the cranes.

You could easily view the crances from the second (older) observation
platform along the NWA path.  With all the activity this morning, I would
also expect a drive around the local corn fields should produce some good

All in all a great morning for a craniac and hawkwatcher.

Good birding to all.

William (Bill) A. Brown
Paris, Ontario, Canada

"William A. Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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