This report will be rather short as Presqu'ile Provincial Park has been
closed since Sunday December 7 at 6:00pm. This is due to a deer cull being
carried out by the Bay of Quinte Mohawks along with MNR and Ontario Parks
staff. Recent most published information indicates that the park will reopen
at noon on Friday, December 12.

On December 7 two female King Eiders were re-found in the waters west of
Sebastopol Island (located just north of Gull Island). White-winged Scoters,
Long-tailed Ducks and Common Goldeneyes were also found in the vicinity of
the eiders. Rafts of Buffleheads were present to the south of Gull Island
and along the south shore of the park.

Cold weather left almost no open shoreline on Gull Island and, not
surprisingly, no shorebirds could be found. This week's thaw could make the
shoreline more hospitable to any Purple Sandpipers in the vicinity. Birders
will have to wait until Sunday, December 14 before access to Gull Island is
allowed. Anyone travelling to the island should wear hip boots and be
prepared to confront strong currents and wavy conditions.

A Northern Shrike frequented the Calf Pasture on December 7. Seven Horned
Larks were also seen on Gull Island on December 7.

A solitary Song Sparrow foraged in meagre cover on Sebastopol Island and two
Common Redpolls foraged among weeds on Gull Island on December 7. Two Pine
Siskins visited a feeder at 186 Bayshore Road on December 7.

To reach Presqu'ile, follow the signs from Brighton. Locations within the
Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid available at the Park gate.
It should also be noted that because duck hunting is given priority on
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, Gull Island, Owen Point and part
of the Calf Pasture are not available for bird watching on these days.

Don Shanahan

"Don Shanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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