Finally, after being on the river for four different Mew Gulls over the
years, missing two by less than five minutes and two by less than an hour,
Betsy and I finally finally FINALLY caught up to one today.  Betsy spotted
it at the power plants from the main Adam Beck overlook.  Kevin McLaughlin,
Jean Iron, Ron Pittaway and a couple of other birders got to see it as well.
It eventually landed opposite the small north overlook which we quickly
drove down to for better looks.  After seeing Colin Jones' photos of the
bird at the control gates last weekend, I am confident that this is the same
individual.  Betsy spotted the bird around 3:30 and we left it around 4:30.
Our elation is somewhat tempered by the fact that our friends Craig and
Carol left just before it was spotted and we did not have their cell number.

The bird is an adult of the brachyrhynchus race (North American).  It is
surprisingly dark, though still decidedly paler than a Lesser Black-backed
Gull.  It has two large white mirrors and it has a "string of pearls" (small
white spots between the gray mantle and black subterminal band) on three
primaries (p5?,6,7).  It appeared that the only white on p8 was at the tip.
Thus, there was less white and more black on the wingtip than I expected.
Although it is smaller than the Ring-billed Gulls in direct comparison, the
difference is not easy to detect here.  The bird had a very small unmarked
yellow bill, dark eyes, yellowish legs, a broad tertial crescent, a smaller
scapular crescent, and a characteristic narrow smudgy shawl across the base
of the nape that stands out well in flight and looks like a kittiwake-like
band but thinner and not black.  There is also some brownish smudgy
streaking on the head that can be seen with a good view.

Unfortunately, the forecast for here is for several inches of snow starting
overnight tonight.

More about the other birds seen today in another post.

Good birding!
Willie D'Anna
Betsy Potter
Niagara Falls, N.Y.

"Willie D'Anna & Betsy Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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