Although the Gannet has not been seen since Wednesday and the Townsend's
Solitaire since Sunday, it was still a very good day on the river.  The
adult MEW GULL at Adam Beck was the highlight for us - it flew on both the
US and Canada sides before landing on the NY side (see previous post).  We
also had an adult BLACK-HEADED GULL at the Queenston narrows.  The bird was
below the large steel art piece that is on the top of the American bank and
the stormwater outlet a little upriver  from there.  Although this bird has
been seen here numerous times the past couple of years, it normally is only
seen briefly and that was the case today - we had it for about three minutes
before losing it as it flew downriver.  Park at the lot for the boat ramp in
Queenston and walk south (upriver) about 300 yards.  If you get to a 30 foot
wide or so clearing, that is about the southern limit of where we saw the
bird today - go back north a little and look between trees.  The bird could
also be seen from the trails that start at Artpark on the American side and
head upriver toward the bridge.

The adult CALIFORNIA GULL was also seen at the main Adam Beck overlook
today.  An immature PEREGRINE FALCON caught a Bonaparte's Gull and proceeded
to sit and consume it on the Adam Beck power plant below and to the left of
the main overlook.  One or two PURPLE SANDPIPERS were seen by Craig
McLauchlan and Carol Horner above the falls (above the barge).  A possible
adult HERRING X LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL  was on the breakwall below the
control gates, independently identified as such by Betsy and me and Jean
Iron, Ron Pittaway, and Kevin McLaughlin.  This bird had pinkish legs with a
yellowish tinge.  The mantle was about halfway between Herring and LBBG in
darkness (similar to the Mew Gull we saw).  It seemed like it was
Herring-sized with heavy LBBG-like head streaking and a large orange spot on
the bill.  Jean Iron may have gotten some decent photos which I was unable
to do before it flew.  Two adult NELSON'S GULLS (Herring X Glaucous hybrid)
were seen today - one by Jean Iron et al on the breakwall below the control
gates and one by us at Adam Beck in the morning.  11 species of gulls were
reported today (no Glaucous that I am aware of).

Good birding!
Willie D'Anna
Betsy Potter
Niagara Falls, N.Y.

"Willie D'Anna & Betsy Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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