On behalf of compiler Dennis Barry, who is away from his computer, here are
some highlights of the 37th Minden CBC held today (Sunday, December 14).
The 41 species observed was average for recent years, and a good total
considering that visibility was seriously hampered by snow for most of the
morning. As expected, birds were scarce away from feeders.

The results below are preliminary since several feeder watchers have yet to

Unusual species for this count:
Great Blue Heron: 1
Bufflehead: 2
Red-breasted Merganser: 1
Rough-legged Hawk: 1

Record High numbers:
Mallard: 314 
Wild Turkey: 34

Pine Grosbeak: 8
Common Redpoll: 101
American Goldfinch: 2
Evening Grosbeak: 125

Ron Tozer
Dwight, Ontario


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