The adult MEW GULL was seen in the morning at Adam Beck today by Mike
Hamilton.  Bill Watson and I tried from 2:00 to 3:45 but did not see it.
There were VERY few large gulls there when we looked but a fair number of
Ring-billed Gulls.  Mike had the Mew Gull perched on the rocks opposite the
north overlook at Adam Beck.  Note that the north overlook is just opposite
the administration/visitor center building but is currently occupied by a
large crane (no, NOT a bird).  If you go just north of there, you can look
across at the roosting gulls which today were mostly Ring-billed.

The adult CALIFORNIA GULL was at its usual spot opposite the main Adam Beck
overlook, perching on the concrete very near the dam.

The juvenile GANNET  was seen Monday morning at 10:30 by Tom Connare just
downstream from the Adam Beck overlook.  Although this bird has not been
reported at the control gates since Friday, it may find its way back there
again.  Let's hope so as it would be a first for the Buffalo CBC (Sunday).

Good birding!
Willie D'Anna
Betsy Potter
Niagara Falls, N.Y.

"Willie D'Anna & Betsy Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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