Hi All

Sorry for the delay in getting the results up for our count - but the
number crunching took a little while.

We had a great day Monday - with some of the most agreeable weather in
years.  The snow which fell on Sunday was great - and the temperatures
still allowed for open water and thus some big numbers of waterfowl in and
around the park.

93 species were found on the day of the count by 42 participants.

Highlights included:

Red-throated Loon (1) - this bird was sighted off the Tip in the morning
Franklin's Gull  (1) - found off the shore of Hillman Beach, this bird was
original spotted around Wheatley Harbour a week before the count
Lesser Black-backed Gull (1) - this bird was present at Wheatley Harbour,
along with thousands of other gulls.
Dunlin (1) - one of the three shorebirds found on the day of the count (the
others were Killdeer), this bird was feeding along the stream between Lake
Erie and Hillman Marsh
American Pipit (247) - this was a new record high for the count - the
previous high was 17.  There was a great movement of these birds through
the count circle on the day of the count, but have not been noted
Snow Bunting (9290) - another record high (over the previous high of 4700
set in 1989) - large flocks of buntings were noted in almost every part of
the circle

Another neat bird, that didn't show up until today, was a Gambel's
White-crowned Sparrow.  It has been feeding off and on all day at the
feeder at the park Visitor Centre.  The Eastern Towhee that was seen at the
feeder on the count day has not been around since.

Please contact me directly if you would like a copy of the complete results
of the count.  They will be published in the Natural History news sometime
in the future.

Good Birding!

Sarah Rupert
Sr. Park Interpreter/Education Coordinator
Point Pelee National Park of Canada
Leamington, Ontario


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