Faith Avis and I had a good look at the RUFOUS at about 0920. It was feeding
for a bit over 25 seconds before it zipped up into the big cedar tree.

DIRECTIONS: from Hwy 401 @ km. 623 go south on Hwy 15 to the T-junction at
Hwy 2 and then east on #2 Hwy to King Pitt Rd., then south on King Pitt Rd.
to #24 at the end of the Road.

CONDITIONS: The owners are birder-friendly. They request that visiting
birders not block the streets or driveways. Please visit in small groups, 5
or 6 persons at a time are welcome to watch the hummingbird feeder on the
south side of the house from a distance of 20 ft. A good vantage point is
the row of rocks at about that distance south of the feeder.

Excelent photos of the RUHU by Phil Yendt of Kingston and Carol Horner of
Toronto are on the Ontario Field Ornithologists web site:

Bob Sachs, Kingston, Ont.


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