
Here are a few more highlights from the St. Catharines Christmas Bird

    35 observers
    79 species     (average     76)
15,753 individuals (average 26,373)  ** lowest number since 1986!

Challenging conditions - snowed most of the day.

First record for the count
   Yellow Warbler!!!!

Record high counts
   Northern Harriers        9
   Short Eared Owl         17
   Red Bellied woodpecker  18
   White-throated Sparrow  56
   (Juncos          1118 - second highest count)

Lowest count since 1988
   Mallard          322
   Greater Scaup      0
   Long tailed duck   3
   Red-tailed Hawk   52
   Herring Gull     190
   Blue Jay         180
   American Crow    105  (lowest count since 1978;
                           high count in 1994 - 11,050)
   Black-capped Chickadee   214
   Tufted Titmouse    1
   Mockingbird       26
   House Sparrow   1070

Nice to have on the count
   Black-crowned Night Heron  1
   Rough-legged Hawk          7
   Ring-necked Pheasant       2
   American Coot              1
   Iceland gull               1
   Lesser Black Backed Gull   2
   Snowy Owl                  1
   Hermit Thrush              1
   Northern Shrike            2
   Snow Goose                 3

Marcie Jacklin
Fonthill, Ontario

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Marcie Jacklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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