The Woodhouse CBC was held December 21st. Thirty field observers and 4
feederwatchers found 81 species and counted 26,309 individual birds. The
weather was reasonable with temperatures from -3 Celsius to 1 Celsius,
partially cloudy skies and no precipitation. Fairly strong winds however
made things more challenging. Winter finches found were Common Redpoll, Pine
Siskin and Purple Finch.

Unusual species reported:

1 Northern Pintail
1 Northern Shoveler
1 Ruddy Duck
1 Merlin
1 Killdeer
3 Dunlin
2 Red-headed Woodpeckers
1 House Wren
1 Gray Catbird
2 Yellow-rumped Warblers

Thanks to all  the observers for their great effort. Results will be posted
to the Audubon CBC website shortly.

Don Graham
Simcoe, ON


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