South of Caledonia is a chicken farm which seems once again to be an
attraction for hundreds of wintering RED TAILED HAWKS and other raptors.
A single TURKEY VULTURE was seen yesterday (Jan1) on the west side of
McKenzie Rd not far from the farm.

Caledonia is on the Grand River about 15Km south of Hamilton.
To find the birds go about 6Km south from Caledonia on Hwy 6 to Willow
Grove.  Turn L (east) on Regional Rd # 29.  Sunnybrook Farm is about half
way along #29 and is a clean and bright looking farmstead, (this disneyesque
appearance may be to reassure the arriving chickens that all is not lost
despite the encircling Red Tails, who might otherwise lead you to think that
life is cheap at Sunnybrook.).
Red Tailed Hawks by the dozen are gathered all around the farm on almost
every tree and post.

The Turkey Vulture was found on McKenzie Rd which is about 1 Km farther
along Reg' Rd 29 east of the farm. Pesumably it also benefits from the
by-products of the farm, so could be anywhere in the general area.

If you have time to continue on towards the Nelles Corners and Fisherville
area, look for ROUGH LEGGED HAWKS and NORTHERN HARRIERS, they are around.

Peter Thoem

"Ruth Thoem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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