Wayne Renaud and I birded the Leslie St Spit today and managed to find the
Eurasian Wigeon. The best place to see it from the main road is about 500m
back from the red bridge through gaps in the trees. It was in with mixed
flocks of redheads, American wigeons, gadwall and other ducks that were
feeding alongside mute swans.

Other noteable species included a flock of 10 snow buntings flying north
down the Spit, a green-winged teal and a single lesser scaup north of the
red bridge. The first pond contained 25 hooded mergansers as we were walking
off the Spit.

The Leslie St Spit is at the foot of Leslie St in Toronto. The spit is only
open on weekends.

Jacques Giraud

"Jacques Giraud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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