Gerry Meacham, at whose house the Band-tailed pigeon has been coming to
feed, reported some distressing news this morning.  When she went out to
fill her feeders she found 3 tail, 4 upper tail coverts, and a few body
feathers from the Band-tailed pigeon.  There was evidence of a brief
struggle from wing prints and foot prints in the newly fallen snow.
However, there was no blood.  An intensive search of Gerry's and the
neighbouring yards yielded no evidence of a hawk enjoying a morning meal.

The Band-tailed pigeon may have escaped yet again.  Like the last time it
was attacked, it has not been seen for the remainder of the day.  While this
appears to be a more serious attack than the last one we are still hoping
that the bird will show up tomorrow or the next day.

We will post news of the bird's return, if it does.

Fingers crossed!
Hugh Casbourn

"Hugh Casbourn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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