Birding Algonquin Park today with Dan Salisbury (Tues. Jan. 20) produced
a few interesting birds, (and failed to produce 2 or 3 others which
might have been expected).

Black-backed woodpecker  (1 male).  South side of # 60 opposite Bat Lake
Trail (Km 30). Working a dead white pine just off the road.
Bohemian waxwing (1), perched at the top of a tall tree near Km 9.
Northern shrike (1).  Opeongo Rd.
Grey jay (5).  2 Opeongo Rd., 3 Spruce Bog Trail.
Pine grosbeak (3).  2 locations.
Common redpoll (50).  several locations.
Hoary redpoll (1)  with Common redpolls, at Visitor's centre feeder.
White-winged crossbill  (40).  4 different locations, largest flock 20

We looked for the Northern hawk owl near Bracebridge, without success. I
note that the last posting was Jan.10, (which of course doesn't prove
that the bird is gone).

John Keenleyside

John Keenleyside <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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