for Sunday, February 01, 2004

Temperatures in the Quinte area stabilized somewhat from the frigid
temperatures of one week earlier. However, the only open water in Prince
Edward Bay, where many ducks can normally be seen, is now around Long Point,
and the False Ducks, with some good waterfowl viewing at the Prince Edward
Point Harbour. The east winds that came by early in the week saw ice build
up all the way out to Point Petre and very little water remaining.
Fortunately, west winds eliminated that problem in less than 12 hours
pushing ice all the way from Point Petre to Timber Island. Not surprising
the ducks followed the ice as it retreated. Strong west winds later this
week piled up a large amount of food against the ice banks and birds can now
often be seen diving right next to them.

Point Petre had thousands of LONG-TAILED DUCKS. In Prince Edward Bay there
were over 1,700 LONG-TAILED DUCKS, with smaller numbers of COMMON GOLDENEYE
and BUFFLEHEADS. The Point Petre area during the week also had WHITE-WINGED
SCOTERS and GREATER SCAUP. A few creeks in the area remain open, among these
Waring Creek and Consecon Creek. The latter on Saturday contained BLACK

SNOW BUNTINGS seem to be reacting favourably to the snow cover with numerous
flocks being observed in fields along the roadsides. Several flocks were
seen in Prince Edward County on Saturday by members of the Quinte Field
Naturalists. A flock of 60 was seen by another observer along Highway 62
near the Huff's Island turnoff, and close to 200 were seen the same day
along Airport Road, east of Belleville. Another flock of 85 showed up near
Orland, along with what were believed to be two longspurs.

As we near the average arrival date for HORNED LARKS in the county,
increasing numbers of these birds are turning up along roadsides. But it
isn't spring yet, although a HERMIT THRUSH was seen on Thursday at the end
of Duetta Road. The wintering TURKEY VULTURES are almost a guarantee on any
birding trip in the county. One was seen on Morrison Point Road on Monday,
with other sightings during the week coming from the corner of Old Milford
Road and Miller Road, as well as along County Road 17 near Black River. A
dozen AMERICAN ROBINS were seen today near Northport, and a YELLOW-BELLIED
offerings at one feeder in the Trenton area.

RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS have been visiting feeders at 2800 County Road 1
(Scoharie), as well as near Consecon. Both COMMON REDPOLLS and PINE SISKINS,
which seem to be turning up at local feeders with no fixed schedule, are
currently present at Prinyer's Cove and in the Trenton area. The BOREAL
CHICKADEE is still coming to a feeder near Rednersville. The same feeder had
a SHARP-SHINNED HAWK yesterday, and an immature RED-TAILED HAWK was near a
feeder at Bloomfield (although likely more interested in the squirrels and
cottontail rabbits present in the feeding area). A COOPER'S HAWK and a
SHARP-SHINNED HAWK are monitoring a feeder in Trenton, and an e-mail about
the latter species also coming to a feeder on Maitland Drive north of
Belleville, was supported by an attached close-up photo with a MOURNING DOVE
in its talons. Away from the feeders, a NORTHERN SHRIKE was seen yesterday
at the corner of Dainard Road and Royal Road. And on Cressy Lakeshore Road
on Monday, there was a BALD EAGLE seen consuming the carcass of a goose.

Perhaps the best bird of the week was an unexpected GRAY JAY, seen in a
swamp northwest of Bloomfield on January 26th. Other sightings around the
area during the week included CEDAR WAXWINGS and AMERICAN ROBINS at
Cannifton, and 25 WILD TURKEYS at Lost Lake off Rock Crossroad in the Cressy

And that's it for this week from Prince Edward County and the Quinte area.
Our thanks to Lloyd Paul, Doris Lane, John Blaney, Lucille Fragomeni, Jayne
Burkholder, John Charlton, Michael Scummer, John and Sacha Squair, Donald
and Judy McClure, Nancy Fox, Charlie Wright and Judy Bell for their
contributions to this week's report. This report will be updated by 8:00
p.m. on Sunday, February 8th. Bird sightings must be in by 6:00 p.m. to be
included in the next report. Good winter birding.

Terry Sprague
Picton, Ontario

"Terry Sprague" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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