Today, February 7, 2004,  at 2:00 pm, Maureen Smith and I saw four GRAY
PARTRIDGE across the road from 197 Robinson Rd.  They were at the back of
the snow drift and as we stopped to look at the base of the evergreen trees
one popped up at the top of the pile and looked in the window at Maureen
(!!!) and  then went back behind.  There were four behind the snow bank.
They flushed and flew to the middle of the field between Robinson and the
airport.  We lost them in the tall weeds/grass.

At 4:30 pm, we were at Hall's Road in Whitby and saw the SNOW BUNTINGS.  The
3,000-4,000 were an incredible sight.   They were backlit by the sun as they
rose and fell en masse over the fields.

Anne Anthony

"Anne Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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