Terrie Smith and I decided to brave the somewhat troubling weather and went
to Presqu'ile for the day. Duck number were excellent, but mostly limited to
the near shore areas at Calf Pasture and the Federal Dock. We saw 38 species
in the park.

Here are the results:

Mute Swan - 80
Canada Goose - 17
Mallard - 80
American Black Duck - 5
Gadwall - 6
American Wigeon - 7
Bufflehead - 75
Common Golden-eye - 145
Redhead - 3200
Canvasback - 835
Lesser Scaup - 18
Greater Scaup - 5450
Long-tailed Duck - 365
Ring-necked Duck - 6
White-winged Scoter - 1
Common Merganser - 106
Red-breasted Merganser - 6
Hooded Merganser - 19
American Coot - 2

Other birds of interest were a Common Redpoll at the Campgrounds and a
Northern Shrike at the Calf Pasture.

Outside the park we had two Great Blue Herons at Brighton and 38 Bohemian
Waxwings + 25 Cedar Waxwings on Orchard Grove Road between Colborne and
Grafton. All in all a damp but satisfying day.

Presqu'ile is due south of the 401 - exit at Hwy 30 and go through Brighton
following the signs to the park.  Orchard Grove is the old Lakeshore Rd that
follows Lake Ontario west from Colborne to Grafton through Lakeport.

Geoff Carpentier
Ajax, Ontario

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