The thrush was seen this morning at about 6:45.  It remains in the cedars to 
the south of the house feeding on the cracked corn spread on the flagstones.

The thrush can be seen from the road and the driveway.  Please do not walk over 
the yard and PLEASE stay off of all mulched areas.  Thank you.

Directions as previously posted.

Paul D. Smith

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From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Apr 14 09:33:20 2004
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Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 09:42:32 -0400
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Subject: [Ontbirds] Caspian Terns - Hamilton/Burlington
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On Monday April 12th one Caspian Tern was observed by Kim and I flying above
Cootes Paradise in Hamilton near Princess Point (located at the base of
Longwood Dr., off King St. W.).

On Tuesday April 13th approx. 20 Caspian Terns were observed in Burlington
on the north end of Centre Island along the NE shoreline of Hamilton Harbour
(these islands are visible to the west of Eastport Drive just off the QEW

Glenn Barrett
Burlington, Ontario

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