Point Pelee Report for May 3, 2004 (Monday)

Partial clearing last night, but remained very cool, with winds continuing from 
the north.   There appears to be few if any new migrants, but many birds 
present yesterday are still here.  Clearing skies and north winds indicate a 
probable hawk flight today.

Today's highlights include Louisiana Waterthrush (Woodland Nature Trail), 
Summer Tanagers (White Pine and Tilden's Woods), Hooded Warblers (multiple 
locations including Tilden's Woods) and Le Conte's Sparrow (Post Woods -- 
probably the same bird as yesterday).

Additional new arrivals today include Mourning Warbler (Post Woods), 
Bay-breasted Warbler (Tilden's Woods), Whip-poor-will (E of The Dunes).  There 
are some 20+ other species of warblers present at Point Pelee, the list being 
similar to that reported throughout southern Ontario as per OntBirds.

Yesterday's Yellow-throated Warbler (White Pine) and Worm-eating Warbler 
(Woodland Natue Trail) have yet to be reported today.  We have no details on a 
reported Mississippi Kite yesterday on the Woodland Nature Trail regarding its 
age, exact location or if it was perched or in flight.

Re Chinquapin Trail -- This trail within the park extends from the Visitor 
Centre parking lot well north to the PPNP Cemetery, a very large area.  
Therefore it is not a good name to use to describe a particular sighting.  If 
you are referring to the area from White Pine Picnic Area to the Cemetery, this 
is usually referred to as White Pine Trail (a northern extention of Tilden's 
Woods Trail).

Friends of Point Pelee Hike Leaders
Alan Wormington, John Haselmayer, Dave Martin, Ross Mackintosh, Pete Read.

The Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds, 2004,  runs from May 1 to May 
31.  The Friends of Point Pelee offers 4 to 7 bird hikes per day including 
evening hikes Wed to Sat.  Quest Tours and Bushnell sponsor county bus tours on 
May 8 and May 15. Visit www.wincom.net/~fopp for additional details.

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