A clear night and southerly winds took the migrants out and deposited some new 
ones. The tip is not nearly as active today.
Not many reports from elsewhere in the park so far.

No new report of the  SWAINSON'S WARBLER, reported from the tip, yesterday, 
midday. Nor the KIRTLAND'S WARBLER, from yesterday, first reported near 
DeLaurier along the Anders Trail, but we learned today, that a male KIRTLAND'S 
WARBLER was reported out on the parking lot at Northwest Beach, later in the 

At the tip today, a light reverse migration. A Summer Tanager, Bobolink, 
orioles, jays, and several warbler species were seen flying off.

A DICKCISSEL was seen along the west side of the tip.
The grass at the side of the trail on the west side of the tip, south of the 
solar panel, still contained a HENSLOW'S SPARROW.

White-eyed Vireo singing on east side of Loop Woods, and elsewhere. Mourning 
and Canada Warblers were reported just east of the tip washrooms, in Loop Woods.

A Grasshopper Sparrow was also on the grass in the tram loop beside the Visitor 

A Yellow-billed Cuckoo was located behind the Visitor Centre. Also on the 
Woodland Nature Trail, a Mourning Warbler.

Connecticut Warbler was seen near the DeLaurier House.

Tilden's Wood trail has a smattering of warbler species, but N. Waterthrush is 
still being seen at the north end boardwalk. We haven't heard that the 
Prothonotary Warbler has been sighted there today. Both a male and female were 
reported yesterday.
In Tilden's there also is a White-eyed Vireo singing.

Good bird'n

Friends of Point Pelee
John Haselmayer, Dave Martin, Ross Mackintosh, Pete Read, Alan Wormington

The Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds, 2004,  runs from May 1 to May 
31.Friends of Point Pelee offers 4 to 7 bird hikes per day including evening 
hikes Wed to Sat. Quest Tours and Bushnell sponsor county bus tours on May 8 
and May 15. Visit www.wincom.net/~fopp

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