Thursday and Friday / May 13 & 14 at Thickson's Woods in southeast Whitby
have been slow birdwise, but some good birds are being seen, particularly
along the car-park roadside and just inside the woods.
Among today's warblers were Canada, Magnolia, Blackburnian, Blue-winged,
Black-throated Blue & Chestnut-sided. Thrushes included Gray-cheeked, Wood,
Hermit, Swainson's and Veery.
On Thursday I heard at least 10 Common Loons flying over the woods, while
viewing Scarlet Tanager, Cape May and other warblers.

Exit the 401 at Thickson Rd., going south toward the lake, turn left at the
woods edge at a Waterfront trail sign.

Doug Lockrey, Whitby

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