Point Pelee Park Bird Report May 19

A fairly good influx of migrants have been found today in the Park. Winds have 
switched to a more northerly flow, and it is now sunny.

Apparently the Kirtland's Warbler, was relocated just north of the location 
from yesterday, which is just a bit closer to the Group Campgrounds, still 
along the path north from the north end of the Visitor Center main parking lot. 

An adult Black-legged Kittiwake was reported from the tip, about 7:15 am. It 
soon left the area.

Activity act the tip included more than 12 species of warbler, including a 
co-operative Worm-eating Warbler, several Canada Warblers, Tennessee, 
Blue-winged, N. Parula, and others. A few Philadelphia vireo were noted and 
also a Yellow-throated Vireo. Further north, just north of the Sparrow Field a 
Connecticut Warbler was found. 

Yellow-billed Cuckoo were reported north of the tram loop.

Several Olive-sided Flycatchers were reported. One was along the Dike Road (E 
sideroad) at the north end of the Park. Another was along the Chinquapin Trail, 
south of the cemetary, and one more at Blue Heron Picnic area.

Activity has been noted throughout the park, but nothing specific to report.

Friends of Point Pelee
John Haselmayer, Dave Martin, Ross Mackintosh, Pete Read, Alan Wormington

The Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds, 2004,  runs from May 1 to May 
31.Friends of Point Pelee offers 4 to 7 bird hikes per day including evening 
hikes Wed to Sat. Quest Tours and Bushnell sponsor county bus tours on May 8 
and May 15. Visit www.wincom.net/~fopp

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