We have just returned from six days of camping and birding on the Bruce
Peninsula. For those in the area and those venturing that way in the summer
months these are some of the areas of interest we encountered.

Howdenvale Road (near rock cut)

Black Terns: very likely nesting in the reed beds
Pied Billed Grebe
American Bittern

Dyers Bay Road:

In the open pastures you can view many Eastern Bluebird, Bobolinks, Eastern
Returning home about an hour before sunset we spotted an Upland Sandpiper
and a Virginia Rail walking along the road. These two were walking on either
side of the road. These are life's for us so seeing them side by side all of
a sudden was quite a surprise.

In almost all of the stands of confers in and around the national park, and
easily found, are Black Throated Green Warbler and American Redstart. These
seem to have pairs every few hundred yards or so. Almost anywhere you can
hear both calling from several directions although tricky to find in the
often dense cover.

One Magnolia Warbler was sighted near the amphitheatre at Cypress.

Highway 6 a few kilometres north of the park I spotted a black chick
crossing the road. We stopped and watch two more come out of the grass on
the west side of the highway and race across the road to the marshy area on
the other side. We looked for the parents but did not find them. We did hear
a call very much suggesting the call of a King Rail. The chicks exactly
match the illustration in Peterson's. This is our first time with this
species but strongly believe they were King Rails.

For wildflower enthusiasts the orchids all seem well except at one location
where the once large stands of Showy Lady's Slipper have been reduced in
size by excessive traffic. On the upside Ram's Head seem to be increasing in
the areas I have visited in the past. We found nine species of orchid this
week, eight in flower. One large stand of Showies was shown to us by a
private land owner, the largest I have seen in the area. Very thankful to

Mark Conlon & Denise Bourgeois
Lasalle ON

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