Hello Ontario,

My son-in-law, Len from Michigan & I decided to enjoy the rain at the Non Quan Sewage Lagoon on Friday afternoon this week.

Bonapart Gulls 100 in the eastern lagoon, Cedar Wax Wings (20) catching insects on the wing like swallows who were catching their quota quite a bit higher in the sky. Black Terns (4) were flying among the Bonapartes, Pied - Billed Grebes swimming in the water below, Common Gallinule (Moorhen) was enjoying some lunch among the cat tails at the edge of the second lagoon from the east.

We heard a Wren and invited it over with making several kisses. We are not sure whether it was a Marsh or Sedge Wren.

We sighted Trumpeter Swans (2) on the south of one of the lagoons.

A couple of you have asked about the location and time of the sighting of the Red Headed Woodpeckers. I have seen them between 8 & 9, 12 & 1, 4 & 5. But those are usually the times when I pass by. Who knows how many other times during the day they can be sighted. Direction wise: Once you are on the property immediately to your right is an old boarded up building # 30. As you keep driving further on to the property there are a couple of utility poles along the way before you come to the next old boarded up building # 28 the nest is located in that area.

Directions: Non Quan Sewage Lagoon is north of Port Parry west of Simcoe St.

Markus J. Lise
Newcastle, On.

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