        Yesterday (Sept.6th) on the shoreline north of Oliphant, where
Shoreline Ave ends, and then continues along the lake as a no exit road, in
the shallow water were five Hudsonian Godwits. These birds were just resting
and preening, and were not very active. One or two still showed some Rufus
coloring on the belly, but you could see they were starting to molt to an
overall gray coloring.
Further along the shoreline were Greater-yellowlegs, groups of Black-bellied
Plovers, Semi-palmated Sandpipers and Plovers, and nine Red Knots.
         Oliphant can be found by exiting H6 in north Wiarton at Bruce road
13, this road will take you into Oliphant. At Shoreline Ave.in Oliphant,
turn right (north), and drive along the shoreline until you can either turn
right onto Spry lake Rd., or continue on along the shoreline on a no exit
rd. Look for Shorebirds anywhere from this road, as there are vast expanses
of muddy beach habitat.
       Oliphant can also be reached by taking the Sauble Falls Parkway (13)
out of Sauble Beach, and turning left at the stop sign where Bruce Rd.13
turns to the right towards Wiarton. Turning left at this Stop sign will
again take you to the Shoreline at Oliphant, then continue as outlined in
the previous directions.
        Cheers.........Tom Thomas.

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