Tuesday Sep. 28 was an excellent day at Van Wagners Beach in Hamilton
with strong NE winds from late morning on.  Numerous observers had nice
looks at a juvenile dark morph Pomarine Jaeger flying over the beach
with a Parasitic at about 4:00 pm.  There were 6-8 Parasitic jaegers on
the day by my count, although many were very distant birds.  Also a
distant juv. Sabine's Gull in late afternoon and a juv. Black-legged
Kittiwake early on.  There were many ducks flying about, the most
numerous being Northern Pintail, American Wigeon and Green-winged Teal,
but also one Surf Scoter.  About 20 or so Common Loons as well.  An
interesting sight was the Peregrine Falcon being chased by a Parasitic
Jaeger well offshore.

Directions:  From the QEW highway in Hamilton, take the Hwy. 20 exit
(Centennial Parkway); go north to the North Service Rd.; turn left and
follow it onto Van Wagners Beach Drive; park at Hutch's Restaurant and
scan the lake from anywhere near here.


Rob Dobos
Dundas, Ont.

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