There were a few good birds off Van Wagners Beach in Hamilton today
(Oct. 11) while the NE winds persisted.  At about 11:55 a.m., I (along
with Jim & Astrid Thompson) had a juvenile dark morph Long-tailed Jaeger
in view for about 15 minutes.  About an hour earlier, I had an
intermediate morph juvenile Pomarine Jaeger which soared around for
about 20 minutes.  The only other jaeger was a very distant Parasitic.
I also had one Red-throated Loon and four Horned Grebes, as well as many
waterfowl of several species (11 "dark-winged" scoters being the most

Directions:  From the QEW highway in Hamilton, take the Hwy 20
(Centennial Parkway) exit; go north to the North Service Rd; turn left,
go west and follow the road onto Van Wagners Beach Dr; park in the
parking lots near Hutches Restaurant and scan the lake near there.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rob Dobos
Dundas, Ont.

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