Greetings all,

This afternoon I drove by Wicklow Beach and was impressed with the
loon/grebe numbers offshore from the boat ramp.  There were:

2 Red-throated Loons - still mostly in breeding plumage
340 Common Loons - a huge count for here
30 Red-necked Grebe
75 Horned Grebe

In addition to these birds there were several hundred mergansers, mostly
Red-breasted as well as Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls.  More
birds, probably loons, were visible in the far distance but I couldn't
make them out for sure.  I may try to get back as soon as it is calm and
see what I can find.

All the birds appeared to be working a big fish school and were spread
out over several hundred yards feeding actively.  Interestingly there
were no cormorants working the school.


Doug McRae

Directions: Wicklow Beach is on the shore of Lake Ontario about mid-way
between Colborne and Grafton, just west of Lakeport.  It is best reached
by taking the Wicklow Beach Road south from Hwy. 2 and east along the
shore until you see the Wicklow Beach boat ramp.

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