Holiday Beach Migration Observatory
Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 21, 2004

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Turkey Vulture            1504          10063          11299
Osprey                       1             11             80
Bald Eagle                   1             13             43
Northern Harrier             9             48            235
Sharp-shinned Hawk          79           1529           5249
Cooper's Hawk               27            163            248
Northern Goshawk             0              4              4
Red-shouldered Hawk         30             81             87
Broad-winged Hawk            0              1          27843
Red-tailed Hawk            161            515            733
Rough-legged Hawk            8             10             10
Golden Eagle                 0              2              2
American Kestrel            29            146           1366
Merlin                       5             24             57
Peregrine Falcon             1              5             15
Unknown                      0             54             92

Total:                    1855          12669          47363

Observation start time: 09:00:00 
Observation end   time: 14:00:00 
Total observation time: 5 hours

Official Counter: Mike Fitzpatrick

Observers:        Chad Saladin, Chris Saladin, Jim McCoy

Fellow peregrine enthusiasts, Chad and Chris Saladin from Lorain,OH, and
Donna Bedard from Toronto. Jim Mc Coy was a "stalwart" in the odious task
of tallying TV's. Many thanks to them for their spotting and tallying

Extremely overcast-patchy fog-very cool towards end of count-N to NE winds
all day. Bad lighting made it difficult ro enjoy the RS and AK's

Large liftoff of TV's , which cont'd much of the period, with some great
kettles right in front of us and directly over the tower. All of the
falcons were esp cooperative, as "it should be"! RL's seemed to come in a
bunch. We only saw one bird, a Cooper's, make any attempts to hunt.  All
others were on  track, esp the falcons, to "get out of Dodge"! Flight
stopped dead at 2:45.

Very few waterfowl were observed. Only a couple of great blues left. 

It should be even better than today if the north winds continue, as the sky
seemed to be clearing this evening.
Report submitted by Michael Fitzpatrick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory information may be found at:

Holiday Beach Migration Observatory

Information on southern Ontario's hawk migration and the Holiday Beach
Conservation Area site

Southwestern Ontario is largely an area of flat, featureless farmland.
There are only two geographic features of note in the region. One is the
proximity of the Great lakes, which influence bird migration in the area
to a great extent, The second is the shape of the province, roughly
funnel-shaped with the narrow end to the southwest. These features confine
south-bound bird migrants, especially hawks, to specific flight corridors.

Holiday Beach Conservation Area was formerly a Provincial Park, but is now
administered by the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA). It is
strategically located at the extreme southwestern tip of southern Ontario.
The park is on the eastern end of a large freshwater estuary known as Big
Creek. (Specifically the site is 1.1 miles south of the junction Highway
20 (old 18) and Essex Road 50, Town of Amherstburg).

The Holiday Beach Migration Observatory (HBMO) (founded in 1986) is a
non-profit, volunteer organization formed to promote the study and
protection of migrating birds. Activities focus primarily on fall
migration of raptors and other species. This site is in Essex County,
Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Erie near the Detroit River. In 1988,
HBMO persuaded Detroit Edison to donate a 40 foot Hawk Tower which is now
at the site. 

Southwestern Ontario has a funneling effect on migrating raptors due to
the geography of the nearby lakes and the reluctance of most raptors to
cross large bodies of water. Birds gain altitude over the flat farmland to
the north and east, rising easily with the thermals that such areas
provide in abundance. As the birds head south they meet Lake Erie and,
reluctant to cross it , turn west. With appropriate wind and weather
conditions, birds pile up along the lake shore and move west until they
reach the narrow crossing at the Detroit River (or island hop within the
river mouth). 

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