I saw a Great Gray Owl about 40km south of Kenora on Hwy 71 today. This is the second GG I've seen this fall now. i saw the other one on Friday Oct. 1st in a fairly remote area and thought at the time that it may have been a local breeder -which would have been a good find in this area. A friend of mine then reported a Great Gray from a different location that weekend following Oct. 1. Since then, I've heard of other GG sightings from people around Kenora. With this number of sightings and the report from Marc Johnson in Hearst a week ago it's looking like we'll have a southern movement of them this winter.

Others: -first (of this fall) Rough-legged Hawk today -don't see many around here -first snow bunting (single bird) last weekend -a few flocks around today
                -small group of Hooded Mergansers on Lake of the Woods this 
-main migrants moving through right now -lots of juncos, also tree sparrows, Blue Jays, a few robins.

Kenora is in Northwestern Ontario on the TransCanada Hwy near the Manitoba Border.

Lyndon Kivi
Kenora, Ontario

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