Iroquois Shoreline Raptor Watch
Whitby, Ont. , Canada.

Hello; This report includes our October totals & our year to date totals .
    October                                          Season
Turkey Vulture =1,046                       = 1,296
Osprey           = 3                             = 6
Bald Eagle      = 8                             = 8
Northern Harrier=5                             = 13
Sharp Shin      = 140                         = 204
Coopers Hawk =18                            = 27
N Goshawk     = 2                             = 2
Red Shoulder  = 44                            = 52
Broad Wing     = 0                             = 457
Red Tail          = 318                          = 355
Rough Legged = 6                              = 6
Golden Eagle  = 23                            = 23
A Kestrel        = 3                              =15
Merlin             = 3                              = 6
Peragrine        =0                               = 2

Total Birds = 1,611 Hrs. =37              Total Birds = 2,472  Hrs. 62.5   2 
month Avg. per hr. = 39.6

Report submitted by Mike Williamson

ISRW info can be found on the T.O.C. web site. Click on Greater Toronto Raptor 
Watch !


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