In spite of the dull, driizzly weather a few of us did venture down Hall's
Rd. in southwest Whitby on Tues. Nov.2. Along the south pathway there were 2
EVENING GROSBEAKS (1 juv. male, 1 female).

At the south viewing platform there is a spectacular pigeon that I assume
somebody decided to leave there-- it is very tame, and it feeds continually
on the seeds left for the sparrows, hence befouling everything. I do hope
someone will claim it. It is irridescent black with a white head (and thin
black moustache), white tail and white primary wing feathers.

Along Hall's Rd. were 3 Rough-legged Hawks and 3 Red-tailed Hawks.

Exit 401 at Salem, asouth to Bayly, east through LakeRidge to Hall's Rd.,
south towards the lake.

Doug Lockrey, coordinator Cranberry Marsh Raptor Watch.

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