* Ontario
* Ottawa/Gatineau
* 05 January 2005
* ONOT0501.05

- Birds mentioned

Wood Duck
American Black Duck
Barrow's Goldeneye
Peregrine Falcon
Wild Turkey
Herring Gull
Iceland Gull
Glaucous Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Snowy Owl
Barred Owl
Belted Kingfisher
Bohemian Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing
Northern Shrike
Song Sparrow
Brown-headed Cowbird
Common Redpoll
Evening Grosbeak

- Transcript

hotline: Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
date: 05 January 2005
number: 613-860-9000
for the status line : press 2
for rare bird alerts: press 1
to report a sighting: press #
coverage: Ottawa/Gatineau (Can. Nat. Capital Reg.), E.Ont., W.Que.
compiler   : Chris Lewis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
transcriber: Chris Lewis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
internet   : Gordon Pringle  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This is Chris Lewis reporting.

GREAT GRAY OWLS continue to be the stars of the show in the New
Year. Sightings from the 1st through the 5th continue to come in
almost daily, from the now-familiar locations such as March Valley
Rd. in Kanata, the Torbolton Ridge and Kinburn Side Rd. area west
of Dunrobin, the hydro field along ski trail #5 at the southeast
end of Gatineau Park, and more recently from suburban areas such
as Rifle Rd. between Carling Ave. and Shirley Blvd. at Shirley's
Bay, Billings Ave. and Pleasant Park Ave. in Alta Vista, and the
Manor Park area.  Another was found on the Quebec side at
Concession #6 at Hammond Rd. near Steel Line west of Eardley-
Masham Rd. on the 3rd.

Other owls that continue to persist as of at least January 3rd are
a NORTHERN HAWK OWL in the aforementioned hydro field in Gatineau
Park, a Barred Owl near the bandstand in Vincent Massey Park, and
a Snowy Owl along Earl Armstrong Rd. between Limebank and
Bowesville Rds. Another Snowy was found along Brownlee Rd. west of
Eagleson Rd. on the 2nd.

Two male Barrow's Goldeneyes, one on the Rideau River behind the
Tennis Club and another on the Ottawa River at Remic rapids, are
also still around as of the 4th.  A male Bufflehead was on the
Ottawa River above the Deschenes rapids on the 3rd, and a male
Wood Duck is wintering with the American Black Ducks and Mallards
on the Rideau near the Tennis Club.

An adult Peregrine Falcon was on the south side of the R.H. Coats
building at Tunney's Pasture on the 1st, and a Merlin was at
Andrew Haydon Park on the 3rd.  Approximately 50 Glaucous Gulls
along with 3 Iceland Gulls were noted from the Ottawa River on the
3rd - most of these birds were coming in to roost with a large
number of Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls, on the ice above
the Deschenes rapids.

Also noteworthy were the following: 9 Wild Turkeys literally on
March Valley Dr. on the 1st and a flock of 24 on Earl Armstrong
Rd. on the 5th.; a Belted Kingfisher on March Rd. at Carling Ave.
on the 1st; approx. 30 Bohemian Waxwings on Kinburn Side Rd. near
Carp Rd. as well as at Diamondview Rd. on the 1st and 5th
respectively, the latter sighting also included 2 Cedar Waxwings;
a wintering Song Sparrow in the ditch between the NRC and CSIS
buildings at Montreal and Blair Rds. on the 2nd; and approx. 8
Brown-headed Cowbirds at a couple of feeders along St. Guillaume
Rd. south of Rte. 200 between Vars and Embrun on the 3rd.
Northern Shrikes were again reported from various locations, but
Common Redpoll numbers remain low, and the only other "winter
finches" reported were a small number of Evening Grosbeaks at a
feeder at the east end of Clarence-Cambridge Rd. in the Larose
forest on the 3rd and 4th.

Thank you - Good Birding!

- End transcript

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