Hi All,

This morning at 6:50 a.m., Monday May 2, Maureen Smith and I heard a Yellow Rail at the Sedge Wren Marsh on Wylie Road in the Carden Plain. A Loggerhead Shrike was south of Bluebird Box #10. Lots of Upland Sandpipers and Wilson's Snipe. Our trip was cut short by a broken pair of binoculars (quickly fixed by Bushnell in Richmond Hill under the warranty) so we didn't get to look for sparrows.

Directions. Go north from Kirkfield on the Kirkfield Rd under the lift lock and continue north until the road turn to the left. Here you turn right onto McNamee Rd and then immediately turn left onto Wylie Rd. Proceed north to the marsh. Park just before the marsh and walk to the bridge. The rail was heard to the NW of the bridge.

Anne Anthony

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