Good morning,

For some, the highlight over the past few days has been the RED-BREASTED
MERGANSERS at tip with the males putting on animated and close-up courtship
displays for the females. Others enjoyed the aerial display of swallows
flying low over the sand and water at the east beach by the Tip. All six
species of swallow are now present and easily seen. Other aerial foragers
like the Chimney Swifts have yet to make an appearance however. The cool
and windy weather continues to dominate today. Perhaps not surprisingly,
several early spring migrants are still being reported; bird species such
as Dark-eyed Junco, Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Red-breasted
Nuthatch and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

Warbler numbers and diversity remain low. Less than 10 species have been
reported so far. Aside from the Yellow-rumped Warblers, most are seeing
only  one or two of each of the others. The VIRGINIA RAIL and SORA remain
very vocal at the east end of the Shuster Trail. A nearby perched BALD
EAGLE also added excitement.

Two WILLETS were seen at the Hillman Marsh Shorebird area yesterday
afternoon and the LITTLE BLUE HERON was seen most of the day at Wheatley
Provincial Park.

With temperatures beginning to climb tomorrow and forecast to hit a high of
23 Celsius by Friday, new arrivals are expected to start showing up daily.

Good Birding,
Friends of Point Pelee
John Haselmayer, Karl Konze, Ross Mackintosh, Dave Martin, Pete Read and
Alan Wormington

Point Pelee National Park of Canada and the Friends of Point Pelee brings
you the Festival of Birds 2005, from April 30 - May 31.  The Friends of
Point Pelee offers daily birding hikes, including evening hikes from
Wednesday to Saturday to May 21.  Quest Nature Tours and Bushnell
Performance Optics sponsor County Bus Tours on May 7  & 14.  First Annual
Fundraising Dinner, Friday, May 13 with guest speaker, Chris Earley.  Visit or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.


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