Although the winds died down overnight and the skies cleared up, few birds
made their way to the Park. Bird song was noticeably absent first thing in
the morning. Nevertheless, the sunshine made observations much more
enjoyable. Species diversity and abundance remain low with much the same
list of species present. Pine and Palm Warblers were still present along
the East Beach near the Tip, along with scattered Field Sparrows, Chipping
Sparrows and Yellow-rumped Warblers. Also at or near the tip was a MERLIN,
RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER and all three species of SCOTER. No other notable
species have been reported thus far from the Park.

At Wheatley Harbour, the NEOTROPIC CORMORANT was refound again close to
10:30 a.m. It was still there at 11:10 a.m., fishing with several other
Double-crested Cormorants. The Hillman Marsh Shorebird Habitat produced a
female WILSON'S PHALAROPE today. It was also seen yesterday. Also observed
there yesterday were three WILLETS and a PEREGRINE FALCON. 300 AMERICAN
GOLDEN-PLOVERS were seen along Concession E (#1421) just north of the Park
this morning.

Other birds reported yesterday included LITTLE BLUE HERON and SOLITARY
SANDPIPER at Wheatley Provincial Park, a BLUE-WINGED WARBLER and 60 RUSTY
BLACKBIRDS at Kopagaron Woods (west of Wheatley), and a COMMON YELLOWTHROAT
at DeLaurier (in the Park), our first reported this spring.

Good Birding,
Friends of Point Pelee
John Haselmayer, Karl Konze, Ross Mackintosh, Dave Martin, Pete Read and
Alan Wormington

Point Pelee National Park of Canada and the Friends of Point Pelee brings
you the Festival of Birds 2005, from April 30 - May 31.  The Friends of
Point Pelee offers daily birding hikes, including evening hikes from
Wednesday to Saturday to May 21.  Quest Nature Tours and Bushnell
Performance Optics sponsor County Bus Tours on May 7  & 14.  First Annual
Fundraising Dinner, Friday, May 13 with guest speaker, Chris Earley.  Visit or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.


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