       Anthony Miller and myself Birded Townsend Sewage Lagoons today, and
although the water levels were not perfect for Shorebirds, there were a few
to be seen.................Wilson's Phalarope, Dunlin, Pectoral and least
Sandpipers. Among the Many Bonaparte Gulls we found at least two Little
Gulls, feeding in the north east cell. On our way in, and approx fifty feet
from the front gate we flushed two Grey Partridge that were feeding near the
main pathway, and flew in to the cornfield on the east side. There were many
duck species here, and still some lingering Tundra Swans.
           Cheers....................Tom Thomas.

Townsend Sewage Lagoons can be found by exiting H 6 at the sign for
Townsend, which is south of Hagersville, and north of Jarvis. At the Keith
Richards Parkway, turn left, and drive to the second turning on the right
which is 14th. Conc. the Lagoons are just up the road on the right.
           The Lagoons are posted no trespassing, so use common sense, and
park well away from the entrance.........T.

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