This morning on the way to work I observed an adult male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE amongst a small flock of Common Goldeneye and Greater & Lesser Scaup. The ducks were viewed from the Quebec side of the Ottawa River between the Champlain Bridge and the Remic Rapids (the ususal winter spot for Barrow's in Ottawa). This is my earliest fall record of this Ottawa-area specialty.

David Britton


By car, the closest parking spot is probably at Parc Brébeuf. Directions courtesy of Larry Neilly's Birding Ottawa Page:

From where Autoroute l'Outaouais or Highway 50 crosses over Autoroute de la
Gatineau or Highway 5, the two major roads converging on Hull, continue on Hwy 50 south 1.3 km to Rue Montcalm. Turn left or southwest on Montcalm and follow it for 0.8 km to Boulevard Alexandre-Taché. Turn right or west on Taché and go 1.8 km to Rue Bégin. Turn left or south onto Bégin and go 0.4 km to a small parking area at the end of the street at Parc Brébeuf.

From Parc Brébeuf, walk approximately 500m west (upstream) along the bike
path, past Plage Moussette (small beach and park) until you are behind the Hull water filtration plant. The ducks were close to shore here.

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